How do I become a Furry Friends volunteer?
1. Determine your eligibility.
The minimum age for Furry Friends volunteers is 12. Volunteers between the ages of 12 and 16 must be accompanied by an adult Furry Friends member.
The minimum age for pet volunteers is:
Dogs - 1 year
Cats - 1 year
Rabbits - 8 months
Love Birds - 8 months
Parrots - 1 year
Miniature horses - 1 year
Others - ask us!
Regardless of pet age, you must have owned the pet for a minimum of 6 months before they are eligible to participate in Furry Friends. Lastly, is your pet current on vaccines and dewormer? See Renew Vaccines for requirements. Click here for FAQs.
2. Complete the Application Forms.
The Volunteer Application Form, Pet Behavior Screen Form, and Etiquette Class Sign-Up must be submitted through our website, while the PDF forms must be 1. photographed or scanned and emailed to admin@furryfriends.org or 2. printed and mailed to P.O. Box 5099, San Jose, CA 95150.
The forms consist of:
Liability Release Form (PDF)
Vaccination/Fecal Record (PDF) and Veterinary Pet Evaluation Form (PDF) (print both and have your vet fill out)
3. Pay the application and etiquette class fees.
There is a $50 fee for the application and an additional $50 fee for the etiquette class. The application fee includes your first-year membership dues, plus a Furry Friends t-shirt and leash. If your animal doesn’t pass the Etiquette class, the $50 application fee will be refunded to you.
You can pay online or send a check with your forms to the following address:
P.O. Box 5099
San Jose, CA 95150-5099
4. Pass the etiquette class and start volunteering with your pet!
Please note that:
Pets must attend the etiquette class with you.
Class Confirmations are not emailed until we receive all application forms (including signed vet forms and fees). If the class you select is full, we will schedule you for the next available class.
Two weeks prior to the class, you will be sent a confirmation letter advising you of the date, time, and location of the Etiquette class. This class is mandatory for all volunteers. You must bring your animal with you to class. You cannot come to a class until you have been confirmed in writing by Furry Friends. Please bring the confirmation letter with you to the class.
Following the class, the team captain of the first site you selected will contact you. The captain will review specifics regarding that team and advise you of the first visit you can attend.
Memberships fees are charged annually and are due December 1st.
Have questions? Feel free to peruse our FAQs. If you still have additional questions, please email admin@furryfriends.org